Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Congratulaions Chad and Lyndsay!

We are so excited to welcome Adelyn to the Weaver Family!
(pictures will be posted soon)
Jacob decided that instead of bike riding this week he would go hiking instead.
On President's Day we all went to the Angeles National Forest for a hike. It was so much fun. The twins knew of a hike that lead to a series of water falls. It was a perfect day. We had a picnic in the canyon and then set out on the hike. The boys(and not just the little ones) had a great time exploring the hills.
Switer Falls
If these guys aren't hikers I don't know who is

Man do these kids love their Uncles

King of the world

It's just a boy thing

The hottest tour guides on the mountain

"I should be a model!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More challenges

Here are the Earl Family Challenges Dallin and Breeanna have been updated so look at the previous postings)

Run Mount Diablo, Ride Mt Deablo in less than an hour
Keep up with ward's reading schedule of Book Of Moromn

Join a Women’s Multisport Team-compete in two 100 mile rides before July
Lead the family in a daily reading of a scripture verse at breakfast
Complete 4 years of family scrapbooks.
Read three books from my book list (The Price of Privledge, Soft Spoken Parent, Under 1000 Splendid Suns, America’s 30 year War)

paint the Okaland Temple, play on an upper level indoor
soccer team and score a goal! Finish a chapter book

Alex Swim fast on swim team
"Reading Club" read daily with someone in the family

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Challenge Update

So I have lost 1 lbs........this month! Bond where are u at? Still down 10 pounds? You are my insperation!!!! I am going to set a goal for myself for this month to exersise 5 days a week this month....on a spirital note.... Attended , I want to attend the temple, once a week for this month! Good luck to everyone and I love you all!