Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Nancy!

Ya I know it has taken me long enough to get these pictures on here. Two weeks ago we celebrated Nancy "20th " Birthday.

Everyone went to Tyson and Jessica's house for the birthday party.

Karley and Tatumn snuggling with grandma.

Tatumn, Luke and Karley playing together.

These three had a great time running all over the house.

Karley had to try on Tatumn's glasses.

Little Scientist + Soda + Candy = FUN!!!

Caden , Jacob and a few friends worked today on Jacob's science fair project were they made 2
liter bottles into geysers. This was one of their early launches. After about 5 -10 times they profected their skills.
This is what it looks like when you get it right. This wasn't our highest launch but it was in the top three.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

More blogs to follow.

Kami (Doug's wife) left me a message on our blog and left me the address of their blog. If your are interested in viewing it there is a link below the small pictures on the left side of this page. Click on the name Doug and Kami. From Kami and Doug's blog I also found Marks and Megan's. If you recognize any other family or if you have the blog addresses of other family let me know so we can all keep in touch. Love Ya